Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008
A letter from Segev
participant of peacecamp 2007
Jewish-Israeli group
participant of peacecamp 2007
Jewish-Israeli group
peacecamp, 03:57h
hi evelyn
we didn't speak for a very long time
how are you?
i hope you're ready for another peacecamp, with new kids, and old fights...
i send you this mail in the name of all our delegation
we all wish you a very successful camp, and hope the kids will DO make peace between themselves
it's been a full year today since the last camp started, the camp we've been in
and i hope the current camp will be at least as succesful as ours was...
after this camp, i'd like to see if there's still the oportunity of doing a reunion for both of the camps!!!
i know that osnat, silvie and nazira are coming again to the camp, and i think that's great
we all wish you a very good luck on this camp
and we're waiting to hear some experiences you have had there...
after osnat is back we're gonna make here a Mesibat Preda with the class because she's not going to be our Mechanechet anymore...
we all miss you and hug you as strong as you would hug us
and again, good luck with the next camp
regards to ronny
the Jewish-Israeli Delegation of Peacecamp 2007
Lyr, Shir, Illy, Lotem, Asaf, Amir, Ohad and Segev (and osnat you'll meet tomorrow =] )
we didn't speak for a very long time
how are you?
i hope you're ready for another peacecamp, with new kids, and old fights...
i send you this mail in the name of all our delegation
we all wish you a very successful camp, and hope the kids will DO make peace between themselves
it's been a full year today since the last camp started, the camp we've been in
and i hope the current camp will be at least as succesful as ours was...
after this camp, i'd like to see if there's still the oportunity of doing a reunion for both of the camps!!!
i know that osnat, silvie and nazira are coming again to the camp, and i think that's great
we all wish you a very good luck on this camp
and we're waiting to hear some experiences you have had there...
after osnat is back we're gonna make here a Mesibat Preda with the class because she's not going to be our Mechanechet anymore...
we all miss you and hug you as strong as you would hug us
and again, good luck with the next camp
regards to ronny
the Jewish-Israeli Delegation of Peacecamp 2007
Lyr, Shir, Illy, Lotem, Asaf, Amir, Ohad and Segev (and osnat you'll meet tomorrow =] )
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Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

peacecamp, 23:15h
peacecamp2004: let's trust again -
peacecamp2005 (spring): *identities unsolved?*
peacecamp2005 (summer): wenn du einen Fremden siehst, sprich mit ihm
if you meet a stranger, talk to him
peacecamp2006: Nicht mehr Opfer und nicht mehr Täter sein / To be neither actors nor victims
*Statt Mauern Brücken bauen*
peacecamp2007: imagine peace
general site about the peacecamp-project
*titles given by camp participants*
peacecamp2005 (spring): *identities unsolved?*
peacecamp2005 (summer): wenn du einen Fremden siehst, sprich mit ihm
if you meet a stranger, talk to him
peacecamp2006: Nicht mehr Opfer und nicht mehr Täter sein / To be neither actors nor victims
*Statt Mauern Brücken bauen*
peacecamp2007: imagine peace
general site about the peacecamp-project
*titles given by camp participants*
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