Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

Dear reader,
now it's your turn: register and write your comments!
peacecamp, 16:28h
You are invited to write comments to the texts on this weblog. In order to do so, you have to register - that means entering a username (your actual name, or some nickname...), a password (whatever you consider hard to guess yet simple to remember) and your e-mail-address (so in case you forget the password you can have it sent to you).
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Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008, 17:33
peacecamp survived !
Dear participants, all of you, young and older !
I want to say hello for I didn't come to the airport to hug and kiss everybody farewell.
(I just don't like feeling embarrassed with public crying and so..)
-you Austrian group: I liked the way you felt responsible and were really interested in the main subject (Israelian conflict). Go on this way!
-you Hungarian group: you are very fine young people,open and full of life, I will never forget especially your dancing !
-you Arabic group: for you it may have been the hardest challenge, to travel to Europe, in an extreme small village, meeting people who speak different languages, and are used to a completely different food and so on. I felt you often as beeing separated from the others, sometimes perhaps by your own decision.
The picture of your group I liked most is your cultural evening with the raditional wedding: there I could see the power of each of you!
-you Jewish group: you impressed me as very strong and full of life and temperament. I'll never forget the two celebrations of Shabbath I was allowed to witness and to share with you.
My best wishes for all of you !
I want to say hello for I didn't come to the airport to hug and kiss everybody farewell.
(I just don't like feeling embarrassed with public crying and so..)
-you Austrian group: I liked the way you felt responsible and were really interested in the main subject (Israelian conflict). Go on this way!
-you Hungarian group: you are very fine young people,open and full of life, I will never forget especially your dancing !
-you Arabic group: for you it may have been the hardest challenge, to travel to Europe, in an extreme small village, meeting people who speak different languages, and are used to a completely different food and so on. I felt you often as beeing separated from the others, sometimes perhaps by your own decision.
The picture of your group I liked most is your cultural evening with the raditional wedding: there I could see the power of each of you!
-you Jewish group: you impressed me as very strong and full of life and temperament. I'll never forget the two celebrations of Shabbath I was allowed to witness and to share with you.
My best wishes for all of you !
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